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May Students of the Month: Alexia Daniels and Joseph McClarin

Alexia Daniels (top) and Joseph McClarin

Both of the Rockdale Career Academy May Students of the Month chose their courses of study based on activities they already enjoyed. Before coming to RCA, Audio/Visual student Alexia Daniels had learned some video during a summer program. She was a little overwhelmed by the computer systems in the A/V rooms but soon enjoyed using the new software.


Before coming to RCA Public Safety student Joseph McClarin had been working in the Conyers Police Explorer program with two other students who attended RCA. "I knew from the start that all I ever wanted to do was to go into law enforcement," Joseph said. "When I first came to RCA and actually saw the classroom, I was excited."


The programs have been a good fit for both students. "Mr. White explains to me how to use the computer system. Also he lets us be creative by writing our own scripts and giving us hands-on activities," Alexia said. "The YouTube videos that he makes are great examples to help us learn better."


Joseph said, "Everything I do in this class I love, whether it is reading about case laws, doing traffic stops, or even learning self defense. Everything Mr. McCumber has taught me in the last two years will benefit me very much in my career as a LEO."


Their teachers have been a primary factor in their success at RCA. "Mr. White shows us new materials and teaches us different ways we can film and edit our videos," Alexia said.


Joseph said, "Mr. McCumber has done a lot of things to make me perform better. The number one thing was having faith in me, and believing I can do it. He’s put in a lot of off duty time to make sure I have the knowledge I need to know in order to place in nationals."


What about their career plans after RCA? Alexia said, "Later in life I would love to use this career pathway to video weddings. My main goal is to become a wedding planner, but this pathway helps me expand my career because I would later have more to offer clients."


Joseph said, "I would like to work in this career after high school. My plans are to go to the Coast Guard, do 20 years, retire, then join a police force. I will still be young and in good shape."



















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